Learn from Experienced Human Resources Experts
Solutions for Human Resources - providing compliant, customized HR and WH&S solutions, and show key people how to manage for themselves, knowing we are only a phone call away.
We provide face-to-face and remote support to assist you when you need help.
Try one of our short practical management and supervisor skills courses to improve your competence and confidence.
Practical, Actionable HR Training
Covering the common & critical HR processes that your business has to manage. From incident management through to performance optimisation we can help your business get the most out of its people.
Focused Courses With Clear Learning Outcomes
Our online HR courses are designed to address a specific topic & provide the knowledge managers & business owners need to ensure compliance & an effective workplace.
We Offer Expert Support & Advisory Services
We can provide a range of engagement models to assist your business meet HR objectives, either via a one-off consulting service or as part of an ongoing support program.
Practical Human Resources and Workplace Health and Safety Online Courses
Develop practical and actionable insights to help manage common Human Resource and Worplace Health and Safety matters every day.
Courses are suitable for the business owner, managers, supervisors and anyone involved with Human Resources.
All courses include applicable documents, forms and policy and procedure templates – making these courses extremely good value for the small price.
Training modes we offer these courses: Online, Face-to-face and Video Conference.
Email us for a quote for Face-to-Face or Video Conference modes: hellen@solutions4hr.com.au

Restructures and Redundancies
This topic introduces a Fair Work compliant process to help Management re-structure their business, particularly when job roles are changed significantly or positions are no longer needed in their current capacity.

Evaluating Employee Performance (Performance Appraisals)
Performance evaluation is an ongoing process as opposed to a once a year task. Used properly, Performance Appraisals are an excellent motivational, goal setting and development tool. This topic focuses on measuring performance in the performance appraisal interview.

Preventing Bullying, Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination (Inappropriate Behaviour) in the Workplace
Designed to give Managers and Supervisors the skills and tools to actively prevent Inappropriate Behaviour (ie. bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and discrimination) in the workplace and legally compliant, good team morale and productivity. Focus is on legal responsibilities, preventing and dealing with complaints.
This course includes: policy and procedure templates; prevention strategies; incident investigation; and more.

Coaching, Warnings & Termination of Employment (Managing Performance)
Counselling your employees is an integral part of performance management and dealing with personal problems and employee relationships. This topic introduces a process for coaching, counselling, warnings and terminating employment as a result of poor work performance.

Effective Communication
Communication is not only basic to all supervisory/ management functions; it is an important element of many other topics in this course. This topic concentrates on the skills necessary to listen and communicate ideas effectively to employees, peers and your Supervisor/ Managers.

Effective Employment Interviewing and Selection: Selecting the Best Team
As a Manager/ Supervisor, you are only as good as the people in your team. Selecting the right person, whether a new applicant or promotion within the organisation, is critical for successful job performance. This section will review key elements and processes of interviewing and selection with emphasis on the selection interview.

Environmental Management
Managing the impact of your business activities on the environment. Understand the Supervisor’s and Manager’s legal responsibilities in relation to the environment.

Handling Upward Relationships
Good upward relationships help Supervisors and Managers get their jobs done more effectively and more efficiently. This topic focuses primarily on the relationship between Supervisors/ Managers and their immediate “boss”.

Leading Effective Meetings
Many Supervisors/ Managers have mixed success in leading meetings. This topic will examine the reasons some meetings are more successful than others. We will cover techniques that will help Supervisors lead more effective meetings.

Manage Time
Effective leaders “manage time” rather than “letting time manage them”.
This topic will focus on setting priorities, handling emails, the phone, interruptions and overcoming barriers to effective use of time.
Because the requirements within this organisation change so rapidly, a Supervisor needs to effectively plan and schedule both their activities and their employees’. This topic not only focuses on initial planning and scheduling, but on contingent planning and scheduling in order to deal with emergency situations.

Assigning and Delegating Work
Delegating work can improve the team’s productivity, morale and trust through growing skills and giving the team space to achieve.
There are certain tasks that a Supervisor/ Manager should never delegate.
A leader is still responsible for outcomes of tasks and projects delegated.

Motivating Employees
Motivating employees is most successful when the employee understands or is interested in what is trying to be achieved, which leads to higher production and therefore better performance. This topic examines the importance of determining and meeting employee needs.

Onboarding and Induction of New Team Members
Learn how to settle new team members into the team/ business quickly and effectively whilst complying with the Fire Safety Regulations and the Work Health and Safety Act. This covers the need for a Company and Site Safety Induction, the need to go through key policies and procedures and having checklists and records to ensure compliance.

Planning and Scheduling
Because the requirements within this organisation change so rapidly, a Supervisor needs to effectively plan and schedule both their activities and their employees’. This session not only focuses on initial planning and scheduling, but on contingent planning and scheduling in order to deal with emergency situations.

Problem Solving and Making Decisions
Systematic problem solving and decision making provides more effective and more efficient solutions to Supervisory problems. This topic presents a model for problem solving and decision making.

Risk and Quality Management
Managing risk and quality are essential skills of any Manager or Supervisor. Risk management covers much more than just Workplace Health and Safety issues. Managing and Improving Quality is ensuring systems are in place for employees to follow approved processes and to suggest improvements and efficiencies in these processes.

The Roles of the Supervisor/ Manager
The role of the Supervisor/Manager varies when viewed through different people’s eyes at different levels within the organisation. This topic looks at the role from various perspectives and skills necessary to be an effective Supervisor/ Manager.

Training and Developing Yourself and Your Employees
Training yourself and your employees should lead to performance improvement. If training cannot be linked to enhanced performance it is not the training topic you or your crew needs. Developing employees is in everyone’s best interest – the Employee, Supervisor and organisation. This topic presents steps for effective training and development within Company policy.

Working as a Team
Good teamwork means a group’s effort is more productive than the sum of the individual efforts. This topic will examine strategies that leaders can use not only in working with their own employees, but with other departments within the organisation.

Workplace Health & Safety
Ensuring a safe workplace for Employees and the Public is a fundamental legal responsibility of Supervisors/Manager. This module outlines the accountabilities and responsibilities of the Supervisor/Manager. The Workplace Health & Safety team will provide an overview of WH&S systems.
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